The Town of Burns Harbor is located in Northwest Indiana at the southern tip of Lake Michigan in Porter County Indiana.
The Burns Harbor Fire Department was formed in 1971 and has been recognized by the Town of Burns Harbor since 1976.
The current Burns Harbor fire house was built in 1988 and the BHFD moved into it in 1989.
The Town of Burns Harbor is a small community that has everything from heavy industry to small farms. The town also has interstate highways and railroads both freight and passenger lines that travel between the City of Chicago and the East Coast.
The department has an annual budget for 28 members including command staff of Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Assistant Chief, three Lieutenants, and a Safety Officer. The Town of Burns Harbor encompasses an area of 5.5 square miles with approximately 2,000 residents, which is now becoming a place for young families starting out their lives.
Do you want to serve your community and help others? We are looking for volunteers.